Heavy Metal → May 1978 The Uptight Garbage of Jerry Cornelius by Mœbius

Heavy Metal, published between 1977 and 2023, was an American comics magazine that heavily featured works of the sci-fi and fantasy genres. While most comics at the time adhered to the strict rules of the Comics Code Authority, Heavy Metal had uncensored and, at times, graphic subject matter.

Jean Giraud (b. 1938), better known as Mœbius, was a French artist and writer, perhaps most known for his work in sci-fi comics. He did storyboard and concept work for many classic films of the genre as well, such as Alien, Tron, The Fifth Element, and even Alejandro Jodorowsky’s Dune, which never was actually produced.  There’s a sick documentary about it called Jodorowsky's Dune (2013), I highly recommend it!

This feature in Heavy Metal, is an excerpt from Mœbius’s larger work, The Airtight Garage, and features a fictional character by Michael Moorcock, called Jerry Cornelius. The garage being referred to in the title is an asteroid that contains a pocket universe, or pocket dimension, in the Leo constellation. Jerry Cornelius is one of several characters attempting to infiltrate the garage. 

Publishers: Matty Simmons, Leonard Mogel
Editors: Sean Kelly, Valerie Marchant
Art Director: John Workman
Copy Editor: Susan Devins
Design Director: Peter Kleinman
Managing Editor: Julie Simmons
Production Manager: George Agoglia, Jr. 
Circulation Director: George Agoglia, Sr. 
Foreign Rights Manager: Barbara Sabatino
Assoc. Publisher & Adver. Director: William T. Lippe

Cover Art:
Back Cover Art: Tom Barber

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*Bonus* Jungle Gysm illustration by Moebius Download Here