Animal Crossing Notebook (2006)

I’ve been a big fan of Nintendo’s beloved franchise, Animal Crossing since I first played Animal Crossing: Wild World on my Nintendo DS when I was around 10. I still have the original cartridge I used to play on, too, though sadly, my first town is long gone-- I stupidly wiped it many years ago. Anyway, I’ve been slowly growing a small collection of old Animal Crossing merchandise over the past few years. Maybe it’s just my nostalgia, but the old look of the game and its merch will forever be my fave. 

I recently acquired this precious little Animal Crossing notebook I just love so much. There are about 16 pages of each design, but I bought it second-hand, so it’s possible there were more. Each design is so thoughtful, and they all have different potential uses. Also, I feel like they used to highlight more of the NPCs-- not just Isabelle, Tom Nook, and KK. This notebook does pre-date Isabelle, but still. On the fruit page alone, we got Champ (RIP), Rosie, Margie, Tortimer, Pete (RIP), Pelly (RIP), Phyllis (RIP), AND Mr. Resetti... like!!! Don’t get me wrong, I love Isabelle as much as the next person but show my other guys some love, please, Nintendo. 

Copyright 2005 Nintendo
Copyright 2006 Nintendo
Showa Note

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