Nerd Out is a DIY mini zine with the goal of encouraging others to stay curious, learn more, and nerd out about the stuff that interests them. 

Made by an amateur, not an expert.

FREE PDFs of all issues available HERE 

About Nerd Out Mag
Nerd Out Archive



You don’t have to go to school to be a nerd. You don’t have to be a professional to engage with something that interests you. You’re never too old to develop new hobbies. You don’t have to ignore the things you’re passionate about because they don’t make money or because society deems them a waste of time. Blackholes, buildings, fungi, computers, bugs, rugs, gender, coffee, garbage, stamps, shoes, books, bookmaking, the technique to achieve the perfect souffle… Nerd Out about whatever you think is cool! No topic is too advanced. No interest is too insignificant.  

Nerd Out is made by me, Fantasy3

It takes a lot of time and work to produce Nerd Out, but it is hugely important to me to keep it as accessible as possible. Every issue will be available for free, online, and via downloadable PDF if you wanna print it out yourself. 

If printing yourself is not possible, but you would still like a physical copy, please reach out!

If you want to support me financially and help me keep this going, copies are available for purchase. 

I hope to get Nerd Out into public libraries, bookshops, etc. If you want to bulk-order physical issues to help me fulfill this goal, please email or DM me!